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未知 [转载]Modifying IL at runtime   [ 2007-07-26  | 原创作品  |  blogmonstuff ]

If you remember the Omniscient Debugger, it was a Java debugger that instrumented the bytecode at runtime to trace calls and monitor variables. It did so by using a custom ClassLoader.
Unfortunately the .NET classes that seemed somewhat equivalent to the Java ClassLoader are sealed, so they can't be extended. So, for a while I thought runtime instrumentation of the code wasn't possible in .NET...
A couple weeks later, I stumbled onto the NProf (open-source .NET profiler) project and wondered how they did their magic. It turns out they use the CLR Profiling APIs which are COM based and allow you to hook up into various events and get information on the runtime. It is while digging some more into these that I first found a mention of the intriguing ICorProfilerInfo::SetILFunctionBody method.

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